Thursday, August 8, 2019

STRategic Marketing Management ( Analysis and decisions ) Term Paper

STRategic Marketing Management ( Analysis and decisions ) - Term Paper Example Asides from modifying PCs, the company also developed the audio feature on these PCs that allowed melodies and speech to be played (Baldauf and Stair, 2010:74). Since its inception, the entity has achieved various milestones with the most remarkable one being the Sound Blaster audio cards. The entity has been through difficulties and has always emerged at the top. This paper gives a detailed analysis of Creative Technology and its strategic marketing management. The major factor that has contributed to the entity’s success over the years is Sim’s effective leadership. Sim is a born entrepreneur who comes up with creative ideas that have enabled the entity to remain afloat over time. He had a vision for his company and laid down quantifiable goals that saw the company increased profitability over the years (Koh, 2008:147). Sim was not only visionary but was a strategic decision-maker and highly effective in solving problems that came up in the company’s operations. The second aspect that has contributed to the company’s success is diversity in their products. It can be observed that technology is dynamic and in order to maintain its customers, the entity has always been conducting modifications on their products in the trendiest and latest designs. This can be observed on various occasions. For example, the company was in the lead in the sound card trade in the past twenty years and was struggling owing to the lack of new and inventive products. This explains why Creative Technology ventured into producing a wide array of products including high-end speakers, DVD players and graphic cards. This was followed by the launch of the Sound Blaster and the Cubic CT (Schaar and Chou, 2009:38). Later in 1998 the company entered into the digital segment of the entertainment industry by launching the Sound Blaster Live! That was enjoyed immense success and placed the company at a competitive advantage over its rivals including Philips and Sony.

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